Monday, 16 May 2011

Down for the Count - weekend of ban(d)ter!

Our next blog entry is straight from the quill of Max Fagandini - our deputy lead trumpeter, who is filling in for Tristan whilst he is off doing clever physics-related things in Singapore.

Down for the Count recently ventured over to Sheen to play their first live gig in London at the delightful restaurant-cum-bar, Don’t Tell Fred. It’s really a lovely place – though most of the band elected to shop a little further down-market for our dinner that evening (which is to say, fish and chips), we do have it on good authority that the food is great and, well, we can certainly vouch for the entertainment. Kicking off with a few Real Book numbers including a cracking rendition of It Don’t Mean A Thing and that old favourite, Misty (reggae-style, naturally), the band launched into their first jazz set as people began to filter down from the restaurant upstairs. Notable guests included most of the Ballard clan and Michael Buble himself [citation needed]. More people came down to join us throughout the evening and by the soul set at the end of the night the audience was so lively that some had even been moved to have a little dance. The staff were charmingly welcoming and word on the grape vine (which I understand is a reliable mode of communication) is that they enjoyed us so much they’re asking us back next month. So clear June 24th in your calendars and come on down to Don’t Tell Fred for another sensational set!

The fun wasn’t quite over though – in preparation for Down for the Count presents On The Town, we spent most of the weekend at Audio Underground in Stoke Newington getting some rehearsal done and taking a look at some new charts for the gig. Interspersed with laughs, ban(d)ter and enough food and drink to feed a small Baltic state, it was great fun and left us all without a doubt that On The Town would be a fantastic evening for all concerned. As we all parted ways on Sunday afternoon, we bid a sad farewell to Claire who regrettably won’t be able to join us on the 21st due to having her own show to run (other musical commitments? Sacrilege!). Naturally we all wish her the best of luck  and we’ll try not to have too great a time so she doesn’t feel left out.

Check out Max's very own blog here!